Breeding program

We have the world’s largest gene pool of traditional poultry where we select the best animals that are healthy and easy to raise. Each of our products have been bred for specific needs, depending on the region. Products bred for the African markets are highly robust.

This means the birds have the ability to thrive even when raised in harsh conditions and exposed to disease. They are well-suited for a free-range system. They have excellent mobility and can easily run, jump, and adapt to any setting.

To ensure that the animals we select will be healthy and strong in the African climate, we test our birds in hot and challenging environments. We also look at the right balance of traits so that our products are all-around performers.

In the breeding program of our colored layers, we have been looking at standard laying hens’ genetic traits for good egg performance, while maintaining their heritage and traditional poultry characteristics.

The SASSO Ruby, for example is bred to lay eggs and produce meat for slaughter.

A part of Hendrix Genetics

SASSO is a part of Hendrix Genetics, a global multi-species breeding company with a strong portfolio of leading brands in turkeys, layers, swine, salmon, trout, and shrimp. Our breeding program is up to date with the latest breeding technologies to accurately select the best animals. As part of this well-established organization, SASSO is backed by a global network of support and resources. We have decades of experience in breeding the best animals for customers all over the world.

Colored broilers

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