Published on July 10, 2024
Supporting Customer Success in the Central and South American Poultry Market
The Central and South American market is a diverse market with specific challenges and opportunities. Our role is to provide customers with high-quality genetics and support that will help them succeed and create a more sustainable value chain. Through this support, SASSO helps its customers achieve better yields, enhance the hardiness of their flocks, and benefit from a diverse range of poultry breeds suited to various climatic conditions.
Overview of the market
Today, SASSO serves half of the Traditional Poultry market in Central and South America. This backyard market is mainly located in rural areas known as "La Sierra". These are challenging, rural areas, both in terms of climate and access to "concentrated" feed. In the South American poultry market, "recriadores" are producers who specialize in the rearing and growing of young poultry until they reach a certain age or size before being sold to another farm. This stage is critical to ensure that young birds are developed under optimal conditions before they move on to the next stage, whether it’s meat production, egg-laying, or breeding purposes. To support these customers, SASSO is focused on providing a strong commercial link and access to technical support to create the right environment for growth.
What can customers expect from SASSO?
On the backyard market, local breeds and "criollos", which in America Central refers to chickens resulting from a cross between a meat-type male and a layer-type female, are the main competitors for SASSO. Although their production cost for the hatchery is low, unfortunately, the resulting meat yield is also very low. With recriadores, a SASSO broiler gains weight faster, while eating less feed. Customers can expect that SASSO birds will achieve the target weight faster than the competition (at 2 weeks they have the body weight of a local breed/criollo of 3 weeks) resulting in lower resource costs.
SASSO genetics are renowned for their robustness, both for the "recriadores" and further down the value chain. With mortality at only 2% at 50 days in challenging environments like the Sierra, producers can depend on hearty performance. Some growers in these areas testify that when looking at the full picture, accounting for yield and livability, SASSO products offer the best overall performance. With heavy genetics, yields are much better, and when mortality enters the financial balance, that is when SASSO becomes the most interesting. We often hear "SASSO only dies if you kill it with your own hands!"
Today, 4 crosses are available to set our customers up for success in the Latin and Central American market. The Ruby N is undoubtedly the most resistant to the tropical climate that prevails in Central America, and it is the most successful in this environment. The Thunder X is appreciated first and foremost for its color, and it is well suited for customers in the eastern zone, where the climate is colder. The Rainbow X is highly appreciated in Petshops or "tiendas Agropecuarias" thanks to the variety of phenotypes with just one cross. The Ruby C is undoubtedly the favorite of "recriadores" due to its performance and low consumption index.
Finally, SASSO provides a strong commercial link and technical support for all customers in this market. We can help farmers achieve strong performance by providing support in set-up, brooding, environmental controls, and health. This support ensures that SASSO's customers can achieve strong performance and maximize their returns in the South American poultry market.